ATD Orders & Payment Methods
Online Orders:
All orders shipped to addresses in the United States are sent by UPS Ground and should be received within seven to 10 business days.
Note: You may order products from the ATD Store using Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express using ATD’s secure online ordering system. However, only credit cards are accepted for online orders.
All Payment Methods:
For your protection, please do not include credit card or other financial information via email and fax in your message.
ATD accepts personal or company checks sent through the mail.
Mailing Address:
Association for Talent Development
PO Box 200212
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-0212
Credit Cards:
- ATD accepts VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
- To place an order by phone, you may call Customer Care at 628.2783 (U.S.) or 703.683.8100 (international).
- EXCEPTIONS: Credit card orders with addresses shipping to Nigeria, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, and Sudan will not be accepted. Orders from these countries must be prepaid by wire transfer and must include expedited shipping fees.
Wire Transfer:
- Please click here for the wire transfer form.
- Transaction must include your name and indicate specifically what product(s) you are ordering.
- Please provide a copy of the bank's transaction receipt when submitting this form.
How to Pay by Purchase Order (PO)
Purchase Order:
- The minimum amount for a purchase order is $100, and all first-time international customers must prepay. POs may not be used for the ATD Essentials Series Annual Pass, CPLP Knowledge Exam, or APTD Exam.
- All POs must be on company letterhead and include any shipping and handling fees with the order total to be considered complete.
- PO transactions cannot be processed online.
- To submit a PO, please fax it to ATD at 703.299.8723, or email, or mail to the below address:
ATD Product Fulfillment
P.O. Box 200212
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-0212
- Please contact ATD Customer Care 800.628.2783 (U.S.) or 703.683.8100 (international) with questions about submitting a purchase order.
Federal Tax ID Number:
ATD is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 39-0852310.