Chapter Leadership
- Where can my chapter purchase ATD-branded merchandise?
- Where can I find the latest news and updates for chapter leaders?
- Where can chapter leaders view ATD chapter logos?
- Where can chapter leaders download ATD chapter logos?
- What qualifies for Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) revenue and when are these funds paid?
- We would like to modify our chapter logo. Is that OK?
- We have new board members—how do I notify ATD?
- How can my chapter request free ATD marketing materials?
- How can my chapter offer CEUs for programming?
- How can my chapter learn more about the Wild Apricot ATD chapter partnership?
- How can I connect with other chapter leaders?
- Does ATD have a group directors and officers (D&O) insurance policy?
- Are you a chapter leader with questions?
- Chapter Leader ATD Business Cards
- Are there special national ATD membership rates for chapter leaders?
- How can I benchmark against other chapters?
- Can I request a list of ATD members in my chapter’s area?
- Can chapters use ATD stock images and photos? Can my chapter use a copyrighted image from ATD?