How do I tag or contact ATD on social media?
ATD would love to hear all about your conference experience and the great connection moments you’re having! Use the official conference hashtag #TK2024 to join in the conversation.
ATD can be found on:
- Twitter (@atd)
- Instagram (@atdnational)
- LinkedIn (Association for Talent Development (ATD), and
- Facebook(Association for Talent Development – ATD)
What is the official conference hashtag for me to follow along and to share content?
Use the official conference hashtag #ATDTK to join in the conversation.
What is the social media policy? Can I tweet during the sessions?
ATD encourages live tweeting and sharing TK content on social media networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram as a means of sharing information and/or publicizing sessions, facilitators, or the experience in general, provided that only content excerpts are used and that presentation material is not reproduced in full. Facilitators should be referenced and cited appropriately in each case. All pictures and video should be for noncommercial purposes.
NOTE: Facilitators are encouraged to permit the use of social media during their session, however each speaker has the right to prohibit the capture and/or sharing of content from his or her session.
We ask that at all times, you respect the intellectual property, copyrights, or trademarks of facilitators, sponsor partners, and ATD.